Friday, March 26, 2010

Motorola Replaces Google With Bing in China

Motorola Replaces Google With Bing in China: "

India Times reports:

Motorola Inc, the handset maker that’s rebuilding its mobile-phone business around Google Inc’s Android software, has dropped the US Internet company’s search engine from one of its Android phones in China.

Motorola no longer includes Google’s search engine in its Zhishang device shipped to China Telecom Corp (...)

Google’s decision to stop censoring its Chinese service may lead some companies to switch to rivals (...)

“If you were partnering with Google in China, your business plans have just fallen apart,” said Bertram Lai, head of research at CIMB-GK Securities in Hong Kong. “You need to scramble and find new partners.”

In related news, Chinese authorities have allegedly given instructions to sites to not report favorably on Google’s move. One instruction supposedly reads, “All websites please clean up text, images and sound and videos which support Google, dedicate flowers to Google, ask Google to stay, cheer for Google and others have a different tune from government policy.”

[Thanks Juha-Matti and George!]

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Motorola Replaces Google With Bing in China | Comments]

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